
Saturday 9 August 2014


Names of  Gates

There are total eight gate and only one person Might Guy can open all his eight gates. Lee can open six Gate. Kakashi can open only one gate. Names of the each gate is given below:
  1. Gate of Opening: This gate is directly connected to brain. A user can use 100% of his power instead of 20%.
  2. Gate of Healing: it empowers the body and physical strength.
  3. Gate of Life:. It is located in spinal cord. It increases the blood pressure and skin converted into red.
  4. Gate of Pain: it also presents in spinal cord. it enhances the user’s speed and power. It may cause the tissues damage.
  5. Gate of Limit: It enhances the user’s speed and power. It presents in abdomen.
  6. Gate of View: it presents in human stomach. After opening this gate, user has unlimited power. Morning Peacock can be performed after opening this gate.
  7. Gate of Wonder: It is located under the stomach. User can perform Daytime Tiger, after opening this gate. The user begins to glow as green light. The user can kill any person just touching his finger. But the side effects are very bad after opening this gate.
  8. Gate of Death: It directly connected to heart. The blood pressure become out of control after opening this gate. The body turns to red. User can perform Night Guy and Evening Elephant. After opening this gate, user dies and converted into Ash.

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