
Friday 27 June 2014

3rd Hokage and Sauske Conversation

In recent episode 366, all the four hokages met with each other including Orochimaru, Uchiha Sauske.  Orochimaru told about the reanimation jutsu. Uchiha Sauske wanted to ask some questions to 4 Hokages that’s why Orochimaru performs reanimation jutsu.  Sauske wanted to ask about Uchiha Itachi from 3rd Hokage. 
Uchiha SauskeUchiha Itachi

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sauske
3rd told that Uchiha itachi was a sensitive child since his childhood. He thinks like Hokages. He took his own decisions sometimes and killed his whole clan.  Itachi stopped the coming war all by him self. 

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